Salah satu kampung tua di Semarang, yang memiliki karakteristik sebagai kampung multi etnik. Mayoritas masyarakatnya bermatapencaharian sebagai pedagang dan beragama Islam
Minggu, 15 Februari 2009
Pada tahun 1743 pelabuhan Mangkang dipindah di Boom Lama (ngebom) oleh Belanda, kepindahan diawali oleh kapal – kapal kompeni Belanda. Perkataan Ngeboom berarti adalah tempat persinggahan kapal – kapal (boom = bahasa Belanda).
Kepindahan pelabuhan bertujuan untuk mempermudah pengangkutan barang – barang dari kapal – kapal (wakang) ke jung – jung kecil untuk dibawa ke daerah pasar dan daerah pergudangan. Boom lama dianggap jauh lebih baik, karena lebih dekat dengan pusat kota lama yang terkenal dengan perdagangannya yang ramai dan berkembang pesat baik di sepanjang Kali Semarang maupun di Pasar Pedamaran.
Boom Lama merupakan pintu gerbang kedatangan (gateway) bagi pedagang - pedagang yang memasuki Semarang. Wilayah di sekitar pintu gerbang Boom Lama dinamakan Darat, karena daerah tersebut merupakan daratan tempat dimana orang untuk pertama kalinya mendarat di Semarang. Menurut Liem Thian Joe akhirnya daerah di sekitar Boom Lama menjadi ramai terutama di dekat pelabuhan, hal ini dikarenakan ramainya aktivitas bongkar muat barang – barang dari kapal besar menuju kapal kecil (jung) dan juga banyak kaum perantau atau pedagang beristirahat di tempat tersebut. Berangsur – angsur banyak orang mulai tinggal dan menetap di kawasan tersebut, dan muncullah desa kecil yang disebut dengan Dusun Darat.
Perkembangan dan kemajuan aktivitas perdagangan mempengaruhi perkembangan daerah tersebut. Permukiman di dusun Darat semakin padat dan merembes ke arah barat dan selatan, dan akhirnya menyatu dengan dusun Ngilir yang telah berkembang sejak abad 17. Kemudian lama kelamaan Dusun Darat dan Dusun Ngilir semakin ramai dan menjadi suatu kawasan permukiman bagi kosmopolit kaum pedagang dari berbagai penjuru dan etnik, yang semakin kompleks dan dinamis. Dalam perkembangannya kedua dusun tersebut dikenal sebagai KAMPUNG MELAYU oleh masyarakat Semarang.
Pada pertengahan abad 18 etnisitas di Kampung Melayu semakin kompleks. Pada dasawarsa ini etnik Arab Hadramaut mulai berkembang, menetap dan membangun tempat ibadah. Tujuan kedatangan komunitas Arab Hadramaut (keturunan habib) ke Semarang adalah untuk berdagangan dan menyebarkan agama Islam. Permukiman Arab berada di belakang komplek ruko – ruko Pecinan di Pasar Regang (koridor Layur). Pada mulanya mereka membangun surau sekitar tahun 1800-an di daerah Ngilir, tepatnya di titik pertemuan Kali Semarang dan Kali Cilik. Kemudian tahun 1802 mereka membangun masjid menara di daerah Pasar Regang (koridor Layur). Masjid ini lebih besar dan megah daripada surau di Ngilir. Ruangan dua lantai masjid ini bisa menampung pedagang muslim yang singgah di pelabuhan Lama Semarang.
Pada periode ini pedagang – pedagang dari Cirebon banyak yang merantau dan menetap di Kampung Melayu. Komunitas ini hidup berkelompok di daerah yang dikenal dengan Cirebonan (bahasa Jawa = daerah tempat tinggal orang Cirebon). Pada kawasan ini banyak rumah – rumah kampung semi permanen dengan style Jawa dan Indis (sinkretisme rumah kampung Jawa dengan atap mansard atau hiasan kemuncak).
Menurut Wiryomartono setelah kedatangan Herman Willem Daendels ke Jawa, terjadi perubahan pola tatanan kota di Semarang. Daendels menciptakan praktek kerja paksa dan berhasil membuat jalan raya pos (de Groote Postweg) yang memungkinkan adanya jalur perhubungan darat dari timur ke barat. Disamping itu untuk merangsang kolonisasi spontan dan menghadapi kesulitan keuangan. Daendels menjual hak atas tanah kepada para pengusaha Cina maupun Timur Asing (Arab Hadramaut). Jalan raya pos dan jaringan kereta api mendorong urbanisasi, dibukanya perkebunan – perkebunan di pedalaman membuka kesempatan tersebarnya kegiatan ekonomi dan institusi pemerintah.
Fenomena tersebut berpengaruh pada pola tatanan Kampung Melayu, yaitu terjadi perubahan orientasi bangunan (ke sungai dan ke jalan darat). Permukiman semakin padat karena besarnya urbanisasi, dan berkembangnya usaha real estat, yaitu berlakunya sistem sewa tanah atau bangunan di Kampung Melayu oleh tuan – tuan tanah Arab dan Cina di wilayah tersebut.
Dari peta Semarang tahun 1825 terlihat perkembangan Pasar Regang, yaitu terlihat adanya deretan rumah – rumah permanen yang saling berhadapan membentuk koridor di Jalan Layur. Kemudian muncul gang (jalan) baru yang tegak lurus pada Kali Cilik dan paralel dengan Pasar Regang (Koridor Layur). Ditinjau secara makro, terdapat struktur jalur perhubungan yang semakin kompleks, dan berkembang villa – villa tempat peristirahatan orang Eropa di sepanjang jalan Bojong. Pada dasawarsa ini orang – orang Arab dan Cina di Kampung Melayu tidak hanya mempunyai perahu sebagai sarana transportasi, tetapi mulai membudaya penggunaan delman dan tandu dalam kehidupan mereka.
Aktivitas perdagangan di Semarang semakin maju dan ramai, dimana terlihat adanya keluar masuk barang dagangan yang setiap tahun selalu bertambah besar jumlahnya. Terutama dengan dibukanya terusan Suez (1869), yang memudahkan perdagangan dan kedatangan koloni Belanda ke Jawa dalam jumlah besar.
Akhirnya Belanda kembali memindahkan pelabuhan Semarang ke tempat yang dianggap jauh lebih baik, dengan tujuan utamanya untuk mengembangkan pelabuhan menjadi lebih besar. Maka pemerintah Belanda membuat kanal (Kleine Boom) dengan membuka salah satu cabang Kali Semarang, sehingga jalur pelabuhan menjadi lurus dan lebih baik. Pemerintah Belanda beranggapan bahwa Boom Lama tidak lagi menguntungkan dan berpotensi sebagai pelabuhan, karena letaknya sangat jauh dan banyaknya belokan (tikungan) di Kali Semarang, sehingga mempersulit kelancaran lalu lintas perdagangan dan pelayaran.
Menurut Liem kanal direncanakan sejak tahun 1854, tetapi pelaksanaannya baru dilakukan pada tahun 1873 dan selesai tahun 1875. Panjang kanal 1180 meter dengan lebar kanal 23 meter. Pelabuhan baru tersebut dikenal dengan KALI BARU, atau oleh orang Cina disebut sin-kang. Di kanan kiri kanal baru dibangun sarana prasaran perdagangan dan pelabuhan, seperti kantor – kantor dagang, daerah pergudangan, markas pasukan Belanda dan jembatan putar (untuk memperlancar jalannya kereta keruk yang berfungsi untuk membersihkan aliran sungai). Secara visual deretan bangunan – bangunan kolonial tersebut mengingatkan pada rumah – rumah di negeri Belanda di sepanjang kanal (grancht)
Jumat, 13 Februari 2009
Blok - blok permukiman di Kampung Melayu terjadi karena adanya proses pengelompokan sosial, berdasarkan pada kekerabatan dan identitas etnik penghuninya.
Dalam perkembangannya muncul toponim blok - blok permukiman untuk menunjukkan tempat bermukim mereka secara spesifik, dan juga menunjukkan keberadaan tempat (space)tersebut pada suatu lingkungan binaan tertentu.
Munculnya toponim (nama) blok permukiman di Kampung Melayu berdasarkan fenomena pada waktu itu. Misalnya muncul sebutan "spesifik" karena kondisi topografinya (pohon, rawa, sungai, daratan), asal - usul penduduknya (Banjar, Pecinan, Cirebonan), dan adanya peristiwa penting pada kawasan tersebut (Kampung Geni, Kampung Baru).
Pola tatanan permukiman menunjukkan adanya toponim dan pengelompokan blok permukiman, menunjukkan fenomena historis pada waktu itu, yaitu antara lain :
* Darat
Arti : tempat ( daratan ) orang pertama kali menapakan kakinya setelah melakukan pelayaran di laut
Penduduknya : perantau dan pedagang dari berbagai etnik, setelah dipindahnya pelabuhan Mangkang ke boom Lama.
* Ngilir
Arti : hilir atau tempat sungai mengalir
Penduduk : kebanyakan orang Madura dan Bugis
* Kampung Kali Cilik
Asal usul nama : di daerah tersebut terdapat sungai kecil (Kali Cilik), salah satu anak sungai Kali Semarang.
Penduduk : kebanyakan orang Melayu dan Banjar
Keterangan : dulu Kali Cilik dapat dilalui oleh perahu kecil. dan sampai dengan tahun 1955 kapal keruk (sarana untuk membersihkan sungai) masih bisa masuk Kali Cilik.
* Kampung Pencikan
Asal usul nama : Encik adalah sebutan perempuan dari Malaka
Penduduk : kebanyakan orang Melayu
* Kampung Geni
Asal usul nama : geni adalah api ( bahasa Jawa )
Penduduk : kebanyakan orang pribumi pedalaman
Keterangan : pada awalnya kawasan ini dikenal dengan sebutan "deni". Tahun 1975 daerah ini terbakar, kira - kira 200 meter persegi lahan permukiman terbakar. Sejak itu daerah ini lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Kampung Geni.
* Kampung Cerbonan
Arti : kota Cirebon
Penduduk : mayoritas orang perantau dari Cirebon
* Kampung Banjar
Arti : etnik Banjar (Kalimantan)
Penduduk : mayoritas orang Banjar
* Kampung Baru
Penduduk : mayoritas orang Banjar dan orang Arab
Keterangan : diperkirakan blok ini muncul belakangan, sehingga disebut dengan Kampung Baru.
* Kampung Pranakan
Asal usul kata : peranakan atau campuran
Arti : hasil dari perkawinan dua budaya yang berbeda
Penduduk : mayoritas keturunan peranakan antara Arab dengan koja dan Banjar
* Kampung Pulo Patekan
Arti : Pulau
Penduduk : mayoritas orang pribumi dari pedalaman
Keterangan : blok permukiman ini dikelilingi oleh jalan, menyerupai pulau di tengah lautan.
* Kampung Bedas
Arti : tidak diketahui secara pasti
Penduduk : Orang Arab Hadramaut
Keterangan : daerah ini termasuk kawasan Pesantren Darat
* Kampung Darat Nipah
Asal usul nama : tidak diketahui pasti
Penduduk : kebanyakan orang Cina dan Arab Hadramaut
Keterangan : kawasan ini terbagi menjadi tiga segmen (zona), yaitu Belanda (pergudangan dan kantor dagang), Cina (Pasar Regang) dan Arab (permukiman).
Klenteng Kampung Melayu terletak di koridor Layur bagian barat, tepat tegak lurus dengan Kali Semarang dimana waktu itu terdapat pasar Regang. Klenteng ini memuja pada dewa bumi, bukan kepada dewa Mazu (dewanya para nelayan dan perantau Cina).
Menurut kepercayaan orang Cina, klenteng ini berfungsi untuk mengusir dan membentengi roh - roh jahat yang hendak menghalangi kelancaran usaha perdagangan di Pasar Regang, dan yang terutama adalah menjaga keselamatan dan kehidupan etnik Cina di Kampung Melayu.
Menurut Liem Thian Joe, dalam proses pembangunannya klenteng ini mengalami sedikit kendala, karena adanya pro dan kontra dari komunitas Arab Hadramaut yang tinggal berdekatan dengan komplek rumah toko (ruko) Cina.
Menurut Singgih, Klenteng ini baru dapat dibangun setelah pembangunan Masjid Menara selesai, yaitu sekitar tahun 1800-an. Penyelesaian permasalahan dilakukan dengan mengadakan pembicaraan dan kesepakatan antara pihak Arab Hadramaut dan Cina, yang disaksikan dan disetujui oleh Pemerintah Hindia Belanda.
Jumat, 06 Februari 2009
The community of Kampung Melayu applied the principal of reciprocally, especially in the field of trading and religious activities. However, the using of Malay language and principal of Islam in the daily life has contributed to the harmonization between people with the various cultural backgrounds.
The community of Kampung Melayu also practiced a mutual cooperation (gotong royong) between ethnics. This spirit also supported by the norm of Islamic teaching, as a majority religion in this community.
The social structure system in Kampung Melayu has been reflected by the relation between land lord group and the people who rent land from them. Physically the gap could be shown by the wall which was build around the landlord’s house, meanwhile the people who rent their land stayed in the ordinary house for the common people.
There were some local leaders, in which each of them had their own responsibility:
Islamic leader: there were two well known traditional Islamic leader which had a great influenced to the community, one was the Arabic ancestry (from Habib Arab Hadramaut) and the other from Javanese ancestry (Kiai Saleh darat)
• Arabic Captain, who got the trust from the Dutch Government to control and manage the commercial and social life of the Hadramaut group (the Arab group) in Kampung Melayu
• The Chinese Local chief (Lurah) to control and manage the land tax in this settlement
• The Local chiefs of cosmopolitan’s trader are group in Kampung Melayu. There were three local chief leaders which had responsibility to manage and make coordination all the problem of land tax and buildings, to manage and control the community for living harmoniously, and keep the good relationship between ethnics in Kampung Melayu.
The community of Kampung Melayu also practiced a mutual cooperation (gotong royong) between ethnics. This spirit also supported by the norm of Islamic teaching, as a majority religion in this community.
The social structure system in Kampung Melayu has been reflected by the relation between land lord group and the people who rent land from them. Physically the gap could be shown by the wall which was build around the landlord’s house, meanwhile the people who rent their land stayed in the ordinary house for the common people.
There were some local leaders, in which each of them had their own responsibility:
Islamic leader: there were two well known traditional Islamic leader which had a great influenced to the community, one was the Arabic ancestry (from Habib Arab Hadramaut) and the other from Javanese ancestry (Kiai Saleh darat)
• Arabic Captain, who got the trust from the Dutch Government to control and manage the commercial and social life of the Hadramaut group (the Arab group) in Kampung Melayu
• The Chinese Local chief (Lurah) to control and manage the land tax in this settlement
• The Local chiefs of cosmopolitan’s trader are group in Kampung Melayu. There were three local chief leaders which had responsibility to manage and make coordination all the problem of land tax and buildings, to manage and control the community for living harmoniously, and keep the good relationship between ethnics in Kampung Melayu.
Kampung Melayu
The arrangement of Kampung Melayu area was organized by wijkmeester which was responsible to Oei Tiong Ham, the Chinese Captain which stayed in Gedong Gula in the Chinese settlement. In Kampung Melayu there was an Arab Captain which responsible to act as a mediator between his native society and Dutch government.
Originally, there were three villages in Kampung Melayu: Banjarsari villlage, Melayu darat village and Dadapsari village. The village’s chief (Lurah) has pointed by Chinese landlord which has power given by the Dutch government. The Chiefs had responsibility to collect land tax from the people who stayed in their area. The first village's chief came from Madura.
Melayu darat village, as the first village in Kampung Melayu occupied by the Malay people (Malaka and Palembang), meanwhile the majority ethnic in Banjarsari village came from Banjar (South Kalimantan), Sampit and Pangkalan Bun (Central Kalimantan). Dadapsari village as the youngest village in Kampung Melayu covered area around Petek street. This village can be said as the most strategic place for settlement as its location close to the centre of Semarang city at that time. Dadapsari came from the word "dadap"; one kind of trees grows in swamp area in Central Java.
Originally, there were three villages in Kampung Melayu: Banjarsari villlage, Melayu darat village and Dadapsari village. The village’s chief (Lurah) has pointed by Chinese landlord which has power given by the Dutch government. The Chiefs had responsibility to collect land tax from the people who stayed in their area. The first village's chief came from Madura.
Melayu darat village, as the first village in Kampung Melayu occupied by the Malay people (Malaka and Palembang), meanwhile the majority ethnic in Banjarsari village came from Banjar (South Kalimantan), Sampit and Pangkalan Bun (Central Kalimantan). Dadapsari village as the youngest village in Kampung Melayu covered area around Petek street. This village can be said as the most strategic place for settlement as its location close to the centre of Semarang city at that time. Dadapsari came from the word "dadap"; one kind of trees grows in swamp area in Central Java.
arrangement system,
Kampung Melayu
The Chronological Development of Kampung Melayu
The development of commercial activities and the settlement in Kampung Melayu has greatly influenced by the macro development of Semarang city. In the period of mid 18 century to 20 century, Kampung Melayu had a great improvement because of the activity of the old harbor, the Tawang Railway Station, the Johar market, and the development activity of trading and offices in the centre of old city area of Semarang.
In this century, we can see the historical phenomenon which has influenced to the pattern of settlement and the living society especially in the term of socio-cultural and economic:
• Since 1750, the pattern of Kampongs Malaya has changed and developed
• After 1800, the trading activities in Kampung Melayu have increased, especially with the build of the new canal. This phenomenon has influenced also to the development of the settlement in this area.
• Around 1900, the poverty’s rate of Semarang’s inhabitants has increased because of diseases. This disease has been caused by the increasing urbanization. Since 1935, many traders from other area/districts came and lived in Kampung Melayu which has caused the settlement became crowded. The kampong Improvement’s program introduced by Dutch Government at that time could not solve the settlement’s problem in Semarang.
• In the period of 20 century until now, the trading activities in Kampung Melayu has been up and down because of the economic and political situation in Semarang.
In this century, we can see the historical phenomenon which has influenced to the pattern of settlement and the living society especially in the term of socio-cultural and economic:
• Since 1750, the pattern of Kampongs Malaya has changed and developed
• After 1800, the trading activities in Kampung Melayu have increased, especially with the build of the new canal. This phenomenon has influenced also to the development of the settlement in this area.
• Around 1900, the poverty’s rate of Semarang’s inhabitants has increased because of diseases. This disease has been caused by the increasing urbanization. Since 1935, many traders from other area/districts came and lived in Kampung Melayu which has caused the settlement became crowded. The kampong Improvement’s program introduced by Dutch Government at that time could not solve the settlement’s problem in Semarang.
• In the period of 20 century until now, the trading activities in Kampung Melayu has been up and down because of the economic and political situation in Semarang.
Kampung Melayu Semarang is a trader cosmopolitan settlement formed in 17th century. It lies at the edge of Semarang River near Semarang Harbor. Islam is embraced by most people here and Malay language is spoken here. There is a mosque called ”masjid Menara” and a temple. They stand side by side at Layur Street. These two primary elements are the landmark of Kampung Melayu. Kampung Melayu grows and develops along with the potencies of the former Semarang Harbor, commerce activity, Islamication and the influence of the Dutch Colony. The uniques of Kampung Melayu is seen from the various building styles, facades, building details, and the housing of the people as a reflection of the multi-ethnic society culture such as Arabic, China, Malay, Banjar (Kalimantan), Bugis, Madura, and Cirebon. The arrangement and toponym patterns of the settlement blocks show the identity and kinship community of each ethnics.
The condition of Kampung Melayu is very apprehensive now. This settlement seems crowded, slum, unhealthy, unsaved, and it is prone to decreasing on the environment quality and it is also in a flood area. These problems are caused by various factors and aspects, related to development of Semarang City now. The existence of Kampung Melayu in the process of development was evicted by new settlements in ”Tanah Mas” that did not observe the condition of surroundings. They are afraid that this problem and transformation that happened in this settlement can omit locus solus and the Kampung Melayu identity as a cosmopolitan settlement for the multi-ethnic traders.
In an effort to dig up and to describe the characteristic of Kampung Melayu in Semarang, an architectural research has been done with an urban history, morphology, and typology approach. The research was explorative, research analysis pointed to the connection among the series of urban history, morphology and typology. The discussion on Kampung Melayu settlement was emphasized on the architectural and socio-culture aspects found in settlement.
The discovery they got expresses the precedent and the characteristic of Kampung Melayu settlement. The precedent has been obtained from the chronology of the historical development and phenomena happened at the settlement. The precedent is a benefit for the development of Kampung Melayu in the future while the characteristic of Kampung Melayu expresses and reflects a cosmopolitan settlement to the multi-ethnic traders. This condition can be seen through the harmonious relationship among the democratic ethnics.
The architectural characteristic of Kampung Melayu expresses a heterogeneity and plurality cultural society :
• As a whole, the characteristic of Kampung Melayu expresses such a dynamic and a variety constructed environment containing meaning and produces a unique and specific architectural work.
• These elements of variety forms, style, and ethnicities can be found, felt, and explained one by one up to now, as a historical phenomena description and as a socio-cultural community.
• The forms and styles of houses in Kampung Melayu express meaning, syncretism (hybrid and ecliptic building) as well as the ethnicity development on the housing’s occupations.
The condition of Kampung Melayu is very apprehensive now. This settlement seems crowded, slum, unhealthy, unsaved, and it is prone to decreasing on the environment quality and it is also in a flood area. These problems are caused by various factors and aspects, related to development of Semarang City now. The existence of Kampung Melayu in the process of development was evicted by new settlements in ”Tanah Mas” that did not observe the condition of surroundings. They are afraid that this problem and transformation that happened in this settlement can omit locus solus and the Kampung Melayu identity as a cosmopolitan settlement for the multi-ethnic traders.
In an effort to dig up and to describe the characteristic of Kampung Melayu in Semarang, an architectural research has been done with an urban history, morphology, and typology approach. The research was explorative, research analysis pointed to the connection among the series of urban history, morphology and typology. The discussion on Kampung Melayu settlement was emphasized on the architectural and socio-culture aspects found in settlement.
The discovery they got expresses the precedent and the characteristic of Kampung Melayu settlement. The precedent has been obtained from the chronology of the historical development and phenomena happened at the settlement. The precedent is a benefit for the development of Kampung Melayu in the future while the characteristic of Kampung Melayu expresses and reflects a cosmopolitan settlement to the multi-ethnic traders. This condition can be seen through the harmonious relationship among the democratic ethnics.
The architectural characteristic of Kampung Melayu expresses a heterogeneity and plurality cultural society :
• As a whole, the characteristic of Kampung Melayu expresses such a dynamic and a variety constructed environment containing meaning and produces a unique and specific architectural work.
• These elements of variety forms, style, and ethnicities can be found, felt, and explained one by one up to now, as a historical phenomena description and as a socio-cultural community.
• The forms and styles of houses in Kampung Melayu express meaning, syncretism (hybrid and ecliptic building) as well as the ethnicity development on the housing’s occupations.
Rabu, 04 Februari 2009
Etnik Melayu yang tinggal di kampung Melayu masih dapat ditemui di Kampung Pencikan dan Kampung Kali Cilik. Bangunan arsitektural murni Melayu sudah jarang ditemui karena umumnya sudah ditinggalkan pemiliknya atau diubah dengan bentuk / style yang lain. Di Kampung Kali Cilik masih terdapat satu rumah yang merupakan style bangunan Melayu yang ditinggali oleh padagang berlian yang bernama bapak Khairul Amman yang berasal dari etnik Banjar. Style rumah melayu menunjukkan percampuran style Melayu, Banjar dan kolonial Belanda. Sampai saat ini kondisi rumah masih terlihat terawat dengan baik.
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